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Monday, October 31, 2011

Tunisia issues warrant for Arafat's widow - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Tunisia issues warrant for Arafat's widow - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Sexual relationships before marriage

Some believe that the call to not have sex until after marriage does not keep pace with the age and evolution. But there are at least ten scientific reasons for it must keep the sexual relationship is limited to husband and wife only. Marriage is a state of permanent participation between men and women with the consent of God and religion and the state and society.

   1. Sexual intercourse before marriage leads to excessive after the marriage:
      Unlawful sexual relationship hurt and damage relations between people. The sexual relationship requires an understanding of emotions and self-restraint and moderation. Even in marriage, this relationship must be governed by the illustrious balanced mind that does not go beyond the passions and excitement is not subject to selfishness. And young people to learn how to control their emotions and desires.
   2. Sexual intercourse before marriage impede the growth of mutual participation on other subjects:

      During the teenage years are the most in sexual emotions. If allowed to go ahead it will control all of the friendships between young men and young women. But the friendships that will please them to continue and persist without any troubles reprimand requires the active participation of the views and ambition. And engaging in illicit sexual relationship at that age would like to spoil the friendship and participation.
   3. Sexual intercourse before marriage lead to unwise decisions:
      Sexual expression may lead to hand the same to a young girl (or vice verso) without having considered all matters related to this delivery and gravity. This recognition should not be given only to a husband who subjected his wife and handed him the same confidence and love. For this reason it must be stressed the need to keep the sexual relationship in marriage is to be helpful to place the lives of the couple to each other in the Commonwealth last for a holy time of their lives. The engagement period only to study the tempers and the other comrade and to determine whether the person submitting the marriage will decide to deliver the same to his friend or not. If one of the parties discovered that the other party does not agree does not suits him character and inclinations is better to Tsarism of engagement to submit to the marriage and endure the consequences of failing them into harmony together. There are cases of marriage fasted only 24 hours of the marriage contract. Therefore, having practiced sex with young girl (or vice versa) feels that he has surrendered himself to the girl no longer feel the sanctity of marriage. Others engage in relationships and sexual practices during the period of engagement for the degree with which they feel they have gone in this thorny road and can not back down and dismantling of the engagement, even after knowing that their marriage may not be successful.

   4. Sex before marriage contract risk:
      Some may think that he does not harm the surface expressions of sexual Kalamazoo and caressing and kissing the yarn during the period of acquaintance. They believe that such practices do not harm them as long as the partner has chosen to partner the permanent and they will announce the engagement and marriage is imminent.
      They believe that there is no difference between having sex before marriage, one day or the day after. But if you skip this limit you will find that there is a difference between the illegal practice of sex and practice approved by God. Those who did so learned a big difference by bashing their consciences and broken homes and lack of harmony between husband and wife, and so things have led to their separation.
   5. The marriage ceremony are important:
      Some believe that marriage is just a signature on a certificate from a cleric and some witnesses. They wonder how to make these signatures of the work is forbidden before marriage contract pursuant to analysts after him? But the fact that this certificate is not just a piece of paper it has a large value. And those who divorce in the test Jazzy know the importance of marriage certificate. This certificate represents the opinion of the religious establishment to which he belongs with the parties and the opinion of the State, the Governor and friends. And children who are born to the couple and the marriage ceremony to add to all this security and confidence. The sexual adaptation of the Association of the marriage depends largely on the extent of protection and security felt by each party towards the other.
   6. Is the fear of pregnancy is the basis of not having sex before marriage?.
      Should not move away from sex before marriage just for the fear of pregnancy, except for the pill is the answer to this fear. Is not dangerous in pregnancy as it is in violation of natural law of God which governs the relations between the sexes. Statistics show an increasing number of people with sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS, syphilis and gonorrhea .. etc.. As a result, all sexual relations before marriage. Here does not mean that these diseases do not exist in married couples. But its possible presence is largest in those who have sex with others before marriage. Because these diseases are transmitted from person to person through sexual intercourse. These statistics may seem unrealistic for you to be infected with a disease that your friends or loved ones.

   7. Sexual intercourse before marriage generate mistrust:
      Young man who impressed the girl and fucked her quickly waking up to himself and see how many wonders of another young man handed over the girl herself to him before me? And then he is a young man in the eyes of his beloved is not much different from the rest of the young people who inflicted into their trap before. And girls also tempted ideas mistrust and suspicion of her lover, who Asthmatic and wondering how you see a girl who turned herself in to him before me? And if he had sex with other women before marriage, what prevented him from it after marriage? These doubts have been growing in the minds of people having sex before marriage and continue to marry after the sexual relationship becomes just a boring routine.
   8. Sexual intercourse before marriage often originating in the patient's motivation:
      There the young man who wishes to prove his manhood, and girls who seek to purchase sufficient to provide the emotional body. Others seek some excitement out of lust. Who are reluctant to instinctive desires and emotions will fall prey to adultery. Sexual relationship before marriage brings bad companions and crash real friendships among young people. And is mistaken who thinks that through sex can keep the other party even get married.
   9. The experiment is not useful in this area:
      There is a misconception that those who claim that marriage is having sex until they decide whether they Atlante with each other sexually or not. But this belief is fundamentally wrong. Is sex with a young man will exercise all the girls until he thinks that suits him to marry her before? The mistake, which is located in which these thinkers Alsace is the belief that sexual harmony must be detected before marriage. This is not true, Compatibility and sexual harmony is generated within the scope of the holy wedlock, which find protection and security under the law and custom, which approves their relationship legitimate. Valedictory fully conscious of this gift of love that the Creator granted us by the loving is not detected or tested only within the marital bond.
  10. Sexual intercourse before marriage hinder your ability to enjoy the beauty of that relationship after marriage:
      The biggest argument in favor of keeping the sexual relationship until after marriage is that that relationship can not be detected only in the full beauty of marriage in human tests nothing is deeper and more beautiful than the unit and integrated sexual health between husband and wife. In the bond of marriage is to meet two people were brought up in different environments did not know each other before and unite in a close relationship and mutual companies. This test is remarkable given the basis of the whole self to the other. The husband does not demand anything for himself, but gives himself. And wife have the absolute freedom to provide the same also in the love of a common and mutually without a doubt it was forced to something or had taken advantage of. In this relationship the two pledges of loyalty to each and every one gives himself to another. Under the promise of each party is free from competition or to request any features for himself at the expense of his friend. Sexual practices before marriage disturb this relationship after marriage because it will rob those who practice the ability to enjoy the true beauty and meaning Commissioner. At the same time it robs one of the pillars of marriage that exists between the parties and thus weaken the bond of marriage. True believer knows that God intended marriage to be a nice time and always the life of those who provide it. Therefore, it is right upon us that we are asked to refrain from any action that might disrupt this close relationship, since it commands us to keep the sexual relationship is limited to marriage.